Sandblasting is a technique used dry to clean, remove traces of paint or dirt, with different types of sand and pressure depending on the surface on which it is intended to be used, thus leaving an elegant and resistant finish for any type of machine or assembled product desired.
To perform the technique of sandblasting, Domfesa has facilities that have
A completely isolated room to guarantee zero air contamination due to the volatile particles that form the product launched to carry out the sandblasting. The sandblasting room has a rectangular space of 8000×3000 mm, therefore we will be able to carry out the treatment to any machine or piece that complies with this restriction.
The blasting equipment consists of a reinforced and flexible hose of sufficient length so that the operator in charge of the blasting can move freely and reach the most difficult places of the sandblasted pieces with the greatest possible comfort. At the end of the hose we find the gun, with a totally interchangeable nozzle opening, which makes us control at all times the sand outlet pressure that can vary from (2-10 bar) depending on the material and the finish that our client wants.
For Domfesa the safety of our workers is paramount, therefore the operator has a specialized equipment for this treatment, which consists of a mask that protects you from volatile particles of sand once hit the metal, and a one-piece suit completely isolated from the outside to protect from the grains of sand that may bounce on the pieces.
Once the sandblasting of our pieces is finished, the used sand is removed and recycled for the next start-up, eliminating all the impurities that may be in it by means of a cyclone, which separates the pure sand from any remaining metal or paint that the sandblasted piece may have. Therefore, the environmental impact that this technique may cause is reduced to a minimum.
The machinery is totally avant-garde used to carry out the sandblasting, as the sandblaster is the heart of the pressure blasting system which allows us, by means of a remote controller, to vary the flow of abrasive that we want to expel and to regulate the output pressure without having to change the nozzle.